Learn the Clarinet
Start Your Clarinet Lessons

Interested in learning the clarinet? On this page you will find music teachers across Ireland who teach the clarinet. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or looking for advanced clarinet classes, feel free to contact any of the teachers below and find the right music teacher for you.
Learn from anywhere: many of our teachers now give online lessons. Make sure to ask about online teaching options when contacting teachers.
Featured clarinet teachers
About the clarinet
The clarinet is a versatile woodwind instrument. Its warm tone and expressive capabilities are suited to a variety of musical styles, including classical and jazz.
If you’ve never played the clarinet before it’s worthwhile researching what’s involved and learning about the sound from the instrument (see more here). All of the teachers on this page will be happy to assist any queries you have about getting started.
The large clarinet family ranges from the contrabass, which plays the lowest range of notes, to the piccolo clarinet, which plays the highest. Like the saxophone, the clarinet is a single reed instrument.
Players blow into the narrow gap between the reed and mouthpiece causing the reed to vibrate and produce a sound. The modern clarinet uses a system of rings and keys, to allow the clarinettist to play a wide range of notes.
There are four main sections that make up the clarinet (from top to bottom): the barrel, upper joint, lower joint, and bell. The standard clarinet is in B flat and is used in most styles of music. Clarinets are also made in A, which are more often used in orchestras and chamber music.